Maltese Obsession Spring to Fall 2014

I spent months on the couch with my love buttons comforting me, but causing my legs to fall asleep
I spent months on the couch with my love buttons comforting me, but causing my legs to fall asleep. No baths for months at a time, but they were still so loving!
Maltese Obsession
Maltese Obsession

September 2013 ~~ Exactly a year ago my health was attacked. I broke my foot, followed by a pretty horrible first experience with shingles.   This happened AFTER a VERY long struggle to recover from asthma, bronchitis,  pneumonia and severe debilitating allergies. I spent my 50th birthday on the couch, CRYING,  with my fur babies sleeping on my legs, as I pondered falling into a very deep depression.

In God’s way, He wanted me to just be still and find PEACE and JOY and REST from many years of work, ministry and a hectic busy lifestyle.   My heart is very thankful.

During the months of my illness, my family ate lots of take-out and processed foods and the hubby and family fed the dogs kibble and processed wet packets of food during this time. I am an avid cook and this take-out food for months at a time played its toll on our entire household.    This processed food didn’t sit well with the humans.   The processed dog food caused tearing and staining in the dogs’ faces.

In Spring of 2014, as I felt adequately recovered from this long duration of ailments ~~ I decided to BLOG and VLOG my routine of grooming the dogs to have a source for my family to refer to in order to care for our dogs.  We shot our first ‘FAMILY & Friends’ targeted video after I received a video camera on Mother’s Day this past May.

What was intended for just family and close friends, has turned into

Our Grooming, Glamorizing and Styling routine does help us Clean UP OUR ACT! Notice the tear stains on the left in Spring.

Early Spring had me going ‘back on track’ with cooking for everyone, cleaning the house and bringing the Maltese back to their GLAMOROUS GLORIOUS MALTESE  and fresh smelling beauties that they are meant to be.    The MALTESE OBSESSION team shares our routines and regimes that we have either learned from groomers and breeders ~~ or tricks and shortcuts that we came up with over the years.

Our grooming and styling regimes are a fusion of Korean, American, groomers, breeders and pet owners.    Full grooming at home is not necessarily for everyone as it can be dangerous if the tools and solvents are not used safely.    Please consult with your personal VETERINARIANS and PRO-GROOMERS for questions and concerns that relate specifically to your fur babies.    Much of what we share is not necessarily THE WAY, but just OUR Personal Choice for Pet MALTESE and other drop coated pets that we serve at MO.  

Tweety Fall 2014
Tweety is a Sweety ~~ We both don’t enjoy brushing our hair ~~ so MOST DAYS we just let our long hair just BE!

We send out a heartfelt “thank you” to all the friends that we have made!    THANK YOU VERY MUCH to all the emails, messages and very encouraging feedback that we have received from so many MALTESE OBSESSED friends.

If you enjoy our videos and blogs, please SUBSCRIBE and leave us friendly comments, so that we can feel encouraged to continue this costly and crazy hobby of BLOGGING and VLOGGING.

Here are some images of how we brought our babies back up to their intended Glamorous Beauty over the last 6 months.


Tweety with her famous adorable head tilting! Tweety does require a pretty regular routine to keep her eye area clean as she tends to tear despite the foods and lifestyle changes we make.


Cheerful Cosy Cosette had a pretty bad bout of tear staining after we trimmed her eye hairs. It has since much improved with daily cleaning and keeping her face dry.
Tweety’s top knot and ears are trimmed every couple months, but they’ve grown out some. We have also reshaped her muzzle to be MORE SEOUL!

Twisty Tilting Tweety

Dolce the Diva!
Dolce is the DIVA QUEEN!! ~~~ we use her DIVA FUR to experiment with lots of new hair products!

Thank you so much friends!   We send out prayers for JOY & Good Health to You and YOURS!

MOH & the MO PACK ^_^

Dolce September 2014

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